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4-Axis Robots

5- and 6-Axis Robots





DENSO EMU multirobot offline software (Dual VS-A Demo)

February 6, 2014 11:56 am

DENSO EMU multirobot offline software allows 3-D simulation and offline programming of up to 16 robots.

* Master controller for WINCAPS III simulation and offline programming software
* Imports WINCAPS III robot project files
* 3-D simulation and offline programming of up to 16 robots in a single virtual automation workcell
* Remote monitoring of workcell operations, via realtime I/O status indicators and detailed control logs

DENSO Robotics - 3-D simulation software

April 15, 2010 12:48 pm

DENSO WINCAPS III 3-D simulation software allows users to program a robot and lay out an automation workcell in a virtual environment, without having to operate the robot or other devices in the cell. The software also allows remote monitoring of workcell operations.

MC8 Controller

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ORiN2 / bCAP

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Preventive Maintenance

RC7 Controller

RC8 Controller

RC9 Controller


DENSO Robotics Collaborative Controllers with Safety Motion

April 4, 2022 3:31 pm

Working near DENSO robots safely is possible thanks to the Safety Motion function of the RC8A robot controller. This function enables users to define virtual fences around the work environment and thus regulate the robot’s activity when a person enters into predefined safety zones.

The Safety Motion function is a cutting-edge tool for maximizing industrial robot safety and is offered as an with the RC8A robot controller. Optical sensors are employed to dynamically control robot speed in relation to the distance of approaching individuals, making working environments with robots safer for humans

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Robot Applications

Robotiq 85 Gripper Setup

Webinar Series

Wincaps III